Cookie privacy policy

Website privacy and cookies policy

The following is the current website privacy and cookies policy. This policy is subject to change. The current version is posted on our website.

Determination of the personal data controllerFull name of the entrepreneur with indication of the legal form Address of the registered office (KRS) or permanent place of business activity (CEiDG)
Contact details of the personal data controllerAddress for traditional correspondence: Sunday Spa Arkadiusz Niedziela, 11a Janasa St., 42-612 Tarnowskie Góry e-mail:
Indication of the purpose and legal basis of data processingOptimization of the functionality of the Administrator’s website (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
Analysis and statistics regarding users’ use of the Administrator’s website (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
Fulfillment of the Administrator’s legitimate interest in analyzing user activities, and subsequent use of analytical data for remarketing (i.e., displaying ads correlated to user interests) (Article 6(1)(f) RODO)
In the case of a separate consent to process personal data, the purpose indicated in the content of the consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO)
Fulfillment of obligations under generally applicable law, in particular the Telecommunications Law and the Law on Provision of Electronic Services (Article 6(1)(c) RODO)
Indication of the data processing periodData will be processed until the expiration of the obligation to process data under applicable laws, in particular the Telecommunications Law and the Act on Provision of Electronic Services. Data processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) will be processed until a legitimate objection to processing is taken into account, Data processed on the basis of expressed consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO) will be processed until the consent to processing is withdrawn.
Indication of the type of data processedIP address, any information stored in cookies or from other tracking technologies, such as information about the device from which the website is viewed, information about the web browser, information regarding website activity. Detailed information is provided in the cookies section of the policy.
Indication of the source of dataThe data comes from the person browsing the site.
Consequences of not providing dataProvision of data is not mandatory and refusal to provide it does not have negative consequences for the user.
Indication of data recipientsRecipients of the data are external entities: – public administration authorities or other authorized entities – if the obligation to provide data results from relevant legislation, – our suppliers and subcontractors, – entities providing information technology,
Export of data outside the European Economic AreaData is not transferred outside the European Economic Area.
Information on automated decision-making based on the dataNo automated decisions are made on the basis of the data provided.
Rights of the data subjectThe data subject has the right to: – request access to his/her data (Article 15 RODO) – request rectification of data (Article 16 RODO) – request erasure of data (Article 17 RODO) – request restriction of data processing (Article 18 RODO) – request data portability (Article 20 RODO) – withdraw consent to data processing
Indication of how to file an objectionYou have the right to object to the processing of your data. You can submit an objection to the following e-mail address:
Complaint to the Office for Personal Data ProtectionYou have the right to file a complaint against data processing to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection. Details at:


I. General information about cookies

  1. Cookies are text files that are stored on your device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) when you view a website. We have divided cookies into two types
    1. Cookies necessary for the use of the website, so that the functions of the website work properly and stably. In accordance with Article 173(3) of the Telecommunications Law, we do not need to download your consent to use these types of cookies. We use these files by default when you visit our website (these files are stored on your device when you visit the website). They measure traffic to the website and provide a safeguard against website overload. These files save the options you select and the privacy, login and shopping cart information you provide.
    2. “Optional”, other cookies, used when you agree to them. We use analytical cookies, provided by Google, to count visits and track their source, in order to improve website performance. The cookies provide information about the pages you visit and how you navigate the website. Consent to the use of the aforementioned files is voluntary, and the choice made by the user does not affect the performance of the website.


II. Choice of settings for other cookies

  1. In accordance with Article 173 (3) of the Telecommunications Law, we do not need to download consent for the use of essential cookies.
  2. When you visit our website, you will see a banner with information about the use of cookies.
  3. If you do not want the remaining, so-called “optional” cookies to be stored on the device you are using, select the “Reject all” option. Selecting this option will result in your refusal to consent to all other (optional) cookies and thus rejecting all cookies, except cookies necessary for the use of the website.
  4. If you select the “Accept all” option, this will result in your consent to all other (optional) cookies being stored on the device you are using.
  5. If you choose the option “Choose your own settings”, you will be able to manage your preferences by making a selection of the individual remaining (optional) cookies, described above, which you agree to save on the device you are using.
  6. The choice you make also confirms that you know what the cookies we use are and for what purposes we use them.
  7. At any time, you can modify the consent choices you have previously made regarding the storage of cookies. To do so, click on the icon, which depicts a cogwheel, located in the lower left corner of our website.

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